Sunday, December 22, 2019

Analysis of Tolkiens The Hobbit - 2109 Words

J.R.R. Tolkien starts his world renowned book The Hobbit with, â€Å"In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit† (1). This book is a tale of a small hobbit named Bilbo and his ever-memorable journey through the evil world during his time. Living in the Shire, as his homeland is called, it is very calm and pleasant for Bilbo, but once the outer limits of the land are reached Bilbo is in for a great surprise. Needing a burglar on his journey Gandalf the Grey, who is famous for his magic with fire and light, came to ask for Bilbos assistance. Gandalf was accompanied with thirteen dwarves who were after their long ago taken, but never forgotten treasure. The last evil dragon, Smaug, who overtook the Dwarf Kingdom of Lonely Mountain many years†¦show more content†¦Bilbo listened intently as the dwarves sang songs and told poems of their long ago taken land. Singing of â€Å"golden hoards† and â€Å"long-forgotten gold† Bilbo began to become very enthusiasti c about the soon to come journey (22). As the dwarves went on, the hobbit felt that this journey would be good for him. He accepted the task, but not before the Dwarves, along with Gandalf, enchanted the young hobbit with the treasure to be found. Being fairly wealthy Bilbo had no need for this wealth, but before long the hobbit could feel â€Å" the love of beautiful things made by hands and by cunning and by magic moving through him, and a fierce and jealous love, the desire of the hearts of dwarves† (24). Apparently Bilbo is beginning to change from a commoner to a treasure seeker, not quite beginning to become a hero, but change is still change. Soon Bilbo’s transition into a hero will begin, with a rude awakening. So before Bilbo new what was happening and even before dawn the next morning the troop of fifteen set out. Through the Shire no adventure or trouble was found, but that soon changed. Within a few leagues of the Shires border young Bilbo encountered his first adventure. Walking slowly through the dark, Gandalf quickly stopped and hushed the others. Up above the road a small fire could be seen and cold, low voices could be heard singing of roasted mutton. Bilbo was sent to see what was up above since he could sneak almost silently. Much to his amazement he saw three very largeShow MoreRelatedPresentation Of The Hobbit From Sweden And Finland1345 Words   |  6 PagesRolando Martinez 5007226 Janet McDaniels IDH 2003 Visual Analysis For this assignment the two books that I will be focusing on are version of The Hobbit from Sweden and Finland. The first book to be created was the Swedish version of The Hobbit, â€Å"Hompen eller En resa Dit och Tillbaksigen,† which was created in 1947 and includes illustrations by Torbjà ¶rn Zetterholm, a Swedish artist. 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